Black Lace Fan for Handbag

Black Lace Fan for Handbag

Ref: 503281325PQ
18'18 € VAT not included
20'11 $


The price in $ is an indicator, as the exchange rates are changing constantly.
Black lace fan with wooden rods of the same color. It is a small fan to fit in your bag. It has the detail of the tassel hanging from the rod.
Measures: 35 cm x 20 cm
This article does not admit return, it only admits exchange for another model.
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Black lace fan with wooden rods of the same color. It is a small fan to fit in your bag. It has the detail of the tassel hanging from the rod.
Measures: 35 cm x 20 cm
This article does not admit return, it only admits exchange for another model.
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