Pa Saber de flamenco 1

Pa Saber de flamenco 1

Ref: 50112UN01
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Shipment period 3 working days
This album holds together recordings by important figures of cante such as Camarón de la Isla, Paco de Lucía, Bambino or Carmen Linares.
It is a compilation of a medley of of styles with recordings from recent years. La Leyenda del Tiempo, Camarón's legendary album and one of the major landmarks in the history of flamenco, is where Pa Saber de Flamenco starts off. It's about a tool to be used in order to be albe to distinguish the diferent palos of this musical genre. 
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This album holds together recordings by important figures of cante such as Camarón de la Isla, Paco de Lucía, Bambino or Carmen Linares.
It is a compilation of a medley of of styles with recordings from recent years. La Leyenda del Tiempo, Camarón's legendary album and one of the major landmarks in the history of flamenco, is where Pa Saber de Flamenco starts off. It's about a tool to be used in order to be albe to distinguish the diferent palos of this musical genre. 

La leyenda del tiempo

Pa la pimpi

Entre dos aguas

Esté donde este

A la Virgen de la bella

Rama nueva

Cai Alberti

Sevillanas medley

Por tí yo me acuesto tarde

Piececitos descalzos

Bambiono, piccolino

Vamos a hincarnos de rodillas

Esperando me quedé

Santa Justa y Rufina

Que desgraciaito fuiste

Sevillanas de siglo XVIII

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