Cositas buenas - Paco de Lucia

Cositas buenas - Paco de Lucia

Ref: 50112UN333
14'67 € VAT not included
16'22 $
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Shipment period 3 working days
For four decades, Spanish guitarist Paco de Lucia's jazzy, Mephisto-like technique redefined flamenco. This CD, which means 'Good Small Things,' is de Lucia’s first release in five years, and it's been worth the wait. Most of the eight tracks feature just de Lucia, a chorus of vocalists, percussion, and the zesty handclaps called palmas. Lucia and company take you through the Moorish, Jewish, and Gypsy inventions and dimensions of flamenco, from the buleria 'Patio Custodio' and the torrid tientos 'El Tesorillo' to the moody, mid-tempo buleria por solea 'Antonia'. Guitarists Juan D’ Anyelica and Tomatito join de Lucia on 'El Dengue', and 'Que Vengo el Alba', which also features a vocal track from the late singer Camaron de la Isla. The last song, 'Casa Bernardo', with bassist Alain Perez, jazz trumpeter Jerry Gonzalez, and Latin pop star Alejandro Sanz on the guitar-like tres, foreshadows the future of this ancient and inventive art form.
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For four decades, Spanish guitarist Paco de Lucia's jazzy, Mephisto-like technique redefined flamenco. This CD, which means 'Good Small Things,' is de Lucia’s first release in five years, and it's been worth the wait. Most of the eight tracks feature just de Lucia, a chorus of vocalists, percussion, and the zesty handclaps called palmas. Lucia and company take you through the Moorish, Jewish, and Gypsy inventions and dimensions of flamenco, from the buleria 'Patio Custodio' and the torrid tientos 'El Tesorillo' to the moody, mid-tempo buleria por solea 'Antonia'. Guitarists Juan D’ Anyelica and Tomatito join de Lucia on 'El Dengue', and 'Que Vengo el Alba', which also features a vocal track from the late singer Camaron de la Isla. The last song, 'Casa Bernardo', with bassist Alain Perez, jazz trumpeter Jerry Gonzalez, and Latin pop star Alejandro Sanz on the guitar-like tres, foreshadows the future of this ancient and inventive art form.


Patio custodio (bulerías)

Cositas buenas (tangos)

Antonia - Paco de Lucía (soleá por bulerías)

El dengue (rumba)

Volar (bulerías)

El tesorillo - Diego 'El Cigala'(tientos)

Que venga el alba - Camarón y Tomatito (bulerías)

Casa Bernardo - Alejandro Sanz (rumba)

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