A tiempo

A tiempo

Ref: 50509NM436
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The third album of Diego 'A tiempo', reflects the genetic wealth of innovation and creativeness that Diego Carrasco possesses as a guitarist, composer, cantaor (flamenco singer) and producer. In this work, he brings together great figures of flamenco and jazz to produce a rhytmic and surrealist flamenco, which is full of spontaneity and freshness. There is such a variety of themes, musicians, instruments and voices, that it will not leave listeners unmoved.

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The third album of Diego 'A tiempo', reflects the genetic wealth of innovation and creativeness that Diego Carrasco possesses as a guitarist, composer, cantaor (flamenco singer) and producer. In this work, he brings together great figures of flamenco and jazz to produce a rhytmic and surrealist flamenco, which is full of spontaneity and freshness. There is such a variety of themes, musicians, instruments and voices, that it will not leave listeners unmoved.


Disc 1

1. El tino de un torero

2. Fernanda

3. La cancion del mariquita

4. Flamenco barroco

5. Oliva y naranja

6. Silbo de la llaga perfecta

7. Peña El Bollo

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