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Carlos Saura launches the premiere of "Flamenco, Flamenco" in Sevilla European Cinema Festival

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Movies Festivals News
El director aragonés estrenará el 11 de noviembre en Sevilla en el marco del Festival de Cine Europeo, y en el trascurso de una gala especial, su último trabajo ‘Flamenco, Flamenco’.
Cartel de ' Flamenco Flamenco' de Saura

The director will launch the 11 of november in Sevilla in the framework of the European Cinema Festival, and duringa special gala, his last work "Flamenco, Flamenco". With this movie, filmed in Sevilla, Saura wants to "show the evolutionof ths songs, dances and musics of this art". The festival of Sevilla will be celebrated from the 5 to the 13 of november"."Flamenco, Flamenco" as the best presentation of the personal and special way to make music movie developped by Carlos Saura and that allowed to the spectators all over the world to enjoy our cinema and our art.The movie is not based on a fiction story because according to Saura "insert something else than the beauty of the musicand of the dance in front of the camera is a treason to the purity of this art". There are two narrative elements, avital travel and the light, that are used as a support to the music act and that allow a subliminal communication withthe spectator.

Destaca la presencia del maestro Paco de Lucía, que tocará para la ocasión "una soleá inédita", según el director. El algecireño y Manolo Sanlúcar son de los pocos artistas que participaron en el ‘Flamenco’ de hace 15 años.
Paco de Lucía

The second element, the light, rests on the first one through a route through the colours basic range.  

The choice of competitors has been one of the most complicated tasks, according to Carlos Saura.

"There's a very surpring quantity of talents. There's a powerful flowering of Flamenco in Andalusia.


That's why the selection of artists has been very difficult to do" he said. We stand out the presence of the master Paco de Lucía, whowill play for the occasion " a new solea", according to the director.

Carlos Saura and Manolo Sanlúcar participated inthe "Flamenco" there's 15 years ago. The shooting was at the end of the past year, during 6 weeks, in Sevilla. Saura has called a nice team together: Vittorio Storaro, the director of the photography who received an Oscar, and the Price "Ciudadde Sevilla del Festival" and the music consultant Isidro Muñoz, Manolo Sanlucar brother. "Flamenco, Flamenco" is one of the production of "General de Producciones y Diseño" (GPD) in which participes Canal Sur.

He has a very personal wayto conceive the music cinema already expressed in titles like 'Sevillanas', 'Flamenco', 'Tango' or 'Iberia', the director assures that "Flamenco, Flamenco" levels the first ("Flamenco") artistically speaking and it beats it in thetechnic", moreover, Carlos Saura was the creator of the poster of the VI edition of Sevilla european cinema Festival.

To set up interviews contact: 

Inmaculada Ruiz/Rita Anguiano: 955 47 31 96

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  • Roberto

    Espero que la película sea buena pero con los artistazos que salen tiene que ser una maravilla. Maestros como Paco de Lucía, Manolo Sanlúcar, José Merced, Estrella Morente, Sara Baras, Miguel Poveda, Israel Galván, Eva Yerbabuena, Farruquito o Niña Pastori... No voy a perdérmela.
  • Heleen

    Quando esta posible a ver flamenco flamenco de C Saura en Holanda?? gracias..
  • eric

    Et oui, j'ai vu le film au festival CINEALMA à CARROS. Vraiment époustouflant, chaque scène plus belle les unes que les autres au niveau de la musique, du chant, de la danse, de la peinture avec des tableaux magnifiques. Le tout filmé dans un ordre parfait évoquant la journée et ... ... Je vous en laisse pour pouvoir le découvrir
  • Sandra

    Merveilleux. Un film d une beauté incomparable. L'évolution du Flamenco, chaque tableau étant différent, un tourbillon de bonheur.
  • elisa

    C'est un film très esthétique, magnifique qui vous emporte, pétri et absorbe dans cet univers Flamenco. Ce film est très Artistique que ce soit chez les danseurs chanteurs, dans la mise ne scéne, les décors , les jeux de lumiéres..... Bref, Sublime, pour moi un chef d'oeuvre.
  • martine

    film epoustouflant c'est une merveille j'aurais aime qu'il dure encore un peu plus martine fan de el cigala iln'yest pas !

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